1918 – 1919: Origins of Tatt Khalsa Diwan Selangor

Tatt Khalsa Diwan Selangor (TKDS) was established in 1918 and officially registered in 1919. It was formed by Sikhs belonging to the Tatt Khalsa denomination. Most of them were watchmen, bullock-carters and milk vendors from Ampang and Setapak. The founder President of TKDS was Waryam Singh with Budh Singh as the Secretary. The main aims of TKDS were: (i) to propagate Sikhism; (ii) to safeguard the rights of the Sikhs and to make representations to the Government when necessary; and (iii) to eradicate illiteracy and spread Punjabi education. Membership was open to every Sikh residing in Selangor. The origins of Tatt Khalsa Diwan Selangor Gurdwara can be traced back to 1918 when Sardar Kala Singh Kheda, who was serving at the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur (GHKL) decided to hold a Jordmela. He managed to convert a vacant ward into a temporary Darbar Sahib with the consent of the hospital authorities. After operating the Darbar Sahib at GHKL for about a year, the Sikh community, under the leadership of Sardar Kala Singh Kheda, managed to rent a building at No. 13, Pahang Road to house a temporary gurdwara for its religious activities and festivals.

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